"I'm a mother and..." Campaign
Social Media Illustrations
The Swaddle
The Client
Now a digital publication and production house immersed in discussing and debating issues of medical, social, cultural and political importance, The Swaddle began as a resource dedicated to providing well-researched, myth-busting information about women’s health, pregnancy and child-rearing.
The Brief
A free-wheeling discussion about society’s expectations and unwritten rules regarding mothers and motherhood inspired this brief. We envisioned a social media campaign to acknowledge that a mother embodies multiple roles, emotions, and identities, beyond the clichéd, society-approved notions of who she is and how she should look, act, and feel. Mothers from the team’s social and professional circles completed the phrase, “I am a mother and…”. These quotes were then illustrated as social media posts
The Thinking
The Visual Approach
To emphasise our point, the women themselves would need to be the soul of the illustration. Each woman’s distinct identity had to come through in the post, so their portraits were rendered in a semi-realistic, minimalistic style with a bit of an edge. Elements derived from their quotes were composed around the portrait, adding a splash of colour and life to the illustration.
Spreads from the Teacher's handbook
Spreads from the Student's workbook