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Design in the aid of Mental Health Awareness

SNEHA (Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action) is a non-profit organisation that works with vulnerable women and children in the realm of public health and safety. Their on-ground teams work closely with community members to provide them with essential information about maternal health, child care and more. 


The flipbook and pamphlet were created as tools to aid the on-ground workers as they explained the concept of mental health to the residents of Dharavi. These tools use infographics and short form copy to provide nuggets of information about what mental health is, the types of mental illnesses, common myths and facts about the same, and advice for treatment. On-ground workers have used them successfully while explaining these abstract concepts to residents of the slum.

The cover - "Healthy Mind, Healthy Society'

Defining Mental Illness

Stress vs Depression 

Common myths and facts about mental illness

Defining Mental Health

How to look after your mental health

Mental Health Pamphlet

Mental Health Flipbook

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